Health and Welfare

With some upcoming changes to our health insurance plan, please watch this video explaining the plan changes and what that means to you and your family.

With these changes, here are the forms that you will need and use to select your PCP.

How to Select PCP

PCP selection form – Iowa Laborers

Laborers’ Local 43 wants our members and their families to be healthy and safe. So the least we could do is provide is one of the best coverage plans in the nation. We would be more than happy to go over any coverage details with you over the phone.

The Fund Office is: Benefits Management Group

150 1st Ave NE, Ste 450

Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Phone : (888) 365-2810 Ext 400

Fax: 319-365-1043

Short Term Disability – Karen (888) 365-2810 Ext 404

Short term disability is used when you hurt yourself outside of work. Anything work related, workers-compensation will be used.

Delta Dental Of Illinois – (800) 323-1743

Prescription (SavRX) – (800) 228-3108

If you need new cards, please give us a call or BMGI a call to order new ones. The cards will only be in the insurers name.

To log in to the BMGI website, please go to and create a log in to see your hours.


Eligibility Rules:

All Employees working for a contributing Employer or Employers within the jurisdiction of the Fund shall be eligible to receive benefits after meeting the following eligibility requirements.

Eligibility is based on Contribution Quarters and Benefit Quarters as follows.

Contribution Quarters Benefit Quarters
Work Performed During: Determine Eligibility for:
December | January | February May | June | July
March | April | May August | September | October
June | July | August November | December | January
September | October | November February | March | April

Initial Eligibility:

You will become initially eligible for benefits under the Plan on the first day of the month after you have worked for which contributions were reported from a contributing Employer or Employers for at least 600 hours worked within a consecutive 12 month period. You will eligible for at least one full quarter plus any partial quarter from your initial eligibility date.

Continuation of Eligibility for Active Employees:

Employer Contributions-

After becoming initially eligible, you continue to be eligible as long as you are working for a contributing Employer or Employer and those Employers make contributions to the Fund on your behalf for at least 375 hours in each Contribution Quarter as defined above. The quarterly hour requirement may be changed by the Trustees to represent the actual average expense for operating the Plan.